Water Usage and Budgeting

Enter Sprinkler Efficiency / Distribution Uniformity

Sprinklers are unavoidably inefficient. Inefficiency of your sprinkler system will likely range from 50%-80%, most well installed systems will be around 80%.

Enter the total square feet of irrigated area.

Enter your target inches per year for irrigation. For example, in my area the expected target is 40 inches per year.

The information for this section is found on your water bill.

What type of units is the water billed in?

  • 1000 Gallons
  • CCF
  • Enter the cost per unit of water.

    • Target Inches for Entire Watering Season
    • Additional Water to Compensate for Sprinkler Inefficiency
    • Square Footage of Irrigated Area
    • Acres Irrigated
    • Estimated Units Used (100 cubic feet ccf)
    • Estimated Gallons Used in a Year
    • Estimated Cost Annually